Injury Prevention


You want your cheerleaders to be happy and enjoy their time cheerleading. You also know injuries are not preventable, yet you can reduce the risk.  I understand that too and it’s our goal to keep your cheerleaders happy and healthy and enjoying cheer for as long as they choose

I know that improving strength, flexibility and conditioning play a big role in reducing injuries. I also know that rest is important to help our body grow and recover from the day-to-day stress we put it under. Mindset, readiness and attention round out big reasons injuries happen. 

Participating in our Injury Prevention Program provides all of that and more…

For more information, check out our E-books and challenges below.

I look forward to helping you and your cheerleaders reduce their risk of injury and stay cheering for as long as they choose.


Prevent Cheer Injuries

7-Day Healthy Cheer Challenge

Concussions: An Interview Series